I love the way color can be so enamoring. In nature, in life, in art, color I think may be best experienced like an elusive friend. Gracing you with its dazzling presence and then leaving you wanting more. This is just the feeling I had after my first visit to see Konrad Lueg’s work at Greene Naftali. A significant figure of the German postwar art scene, Lueg was deeply influenced by Warhol and the American Pop Art aesthetic. He began to experiment with replicating traditional German motifs of everyday items such as wallpaper, towels, and napkins rendering them in eye popping color. These punchy rhythmic paintings charmed me into my own color experimentation. In an effort to elevate my own optical buzz I decided to highlight my hair pink and set it against this primary blue sweater dress. The dress, so soft and wonderful is by Stella McCartney, I could live in it forever. As it turns, Konrad Lueg’s career as a painter was relatively short lived. He later went on to become the legendary gallerist Konrad Fischer, presenting artists such as Bruce Nauman and Sol LeWitt for the first time in Europe. An aficionado of vibrant color, I’m very grateful to have experienced this rare showing of his works and… so you know, the pink is temporary. Happy Halloween!
Stella McCartney dress, Fogal tights, Chanel boots
Greene Naftali, Konrad Lueg
Hair by Brandon Shin at Brush NYC, Photographs by Tylor Hou